Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 32: Feb 1, 2011

Oh the joys of living in an apartment. For the past few days we have noticed that our bathroom sink has been draining slowly. Bad News! We woke up to this in our sink!
Warning: If you get queasy, don't look at the next picture.

My stomach turned when I saw this and I just about gagged!
Boyd said it looks like somebody diarrheaed in the sink.
Thanks to the local Ace Hardware they sent me on my way with some Liquid Plumr.
What would I do without a husband? I have no idea!

This is Boyd's "lets see if it actually works" face.
So, we followed all the instructions and it slowly drained. With all our Liquid Plumr gone and a sink that is still mostly clogged, what were we to do? So we took apart our sink and started digging with a wire coat hanger. Our efforts paid off when Boyd started digging our rocks and black dirt. But when we tried again, but our sink still wouldn't drain. So we decided to give up for the night, because it was 11:00 p.m. and we'll talk to our land lord tomorrow about calling a professional. As I was wiping down our under the sink cleaning supplies with clorox wipes we heard our upstairs neighbors and their sink being jiggled. Hum, they must have a clog to.
So it looks like we are calling a plumber tomorrow. Our current solution is to cover it up with a box. Sometimes I wish that were the solution to everything. It's just so easy.

To make matters worse, when we were cleaning all of our tools in the tub, I looked down and noticed a bunch of black mold all over our shower curtain and just spent the last 1/2 hour with Boyd scrubbing mold off our shower curtain with bleach water. Any one have any suggestions as to how to beat the moldy shower curtains? It seems to be a huge problem here in Ohio and I just haven't figured out a way to combat it.

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