Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 269: Broccoli

I love homegrown broccoli. It tastes so much sweeter and is tender as can be. One day when Boyd and I have a house we are probably going to have a garden full of broccoli. I used to not like broccoli so much. When I was a kid my mom would cook it with raw onions. Yuck! I hated it and would just die when I had to eat it. The only thing that got me through my childhood of eating broccoli was pretending that I was a panda bear. I would tell my self, "I'm a panda" and then take a big chomp out of my broccoli "tree." Little did I know that pandas don't eat trees. I thought they did as a kid, and I thought that broccoli looked like a little tree. Therefore pandas ate trees and if I were a panda I could eat the broccoli tree. I must have been crazy.

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