Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 266: Plastic Wrap

First of all I need to start out by saying we have 3,000 sq ft of Costco plastic wrap. I always think it is funny because it takes up a whole drawer in our kitchen. Anyway, one night I was heating something up in the microwave. The container told me to put plastic wrap over the container and heat it up. Boyd and I like to call this entertainment because we like to watch the plastic wrap expand. Which reminds me of being a little kid and my mom would tell me not to put my face near the microwave because it could be harmful.

I'm sad this bubble isn't as big as it was. By the time I opened the door and focused my camera it was gone. This giant puppy filled our entire microwave. The top of the bubble reached the top of the microwave. It was hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how that plastic wrap looked like a fluffy cupcake in your microwave! Hmmm.. Whatever can you make with those Costco plastic wraps? Perhaps you could make a covering for a sofa set with it? Just Kidding.

    Jeleryl Comisky
