Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cleveland Indians

So . . . I was going to try to be cool and impress anyone who read this with my stats on the Indians. Something about them being a 1/2 a game away from the wildcard something something something.  I tried to look on ESPN to get the facts before I go posting something incorrect, like an idiot. Holy Moley. I got dizzy just trying to find what I was looking for. Sooo many numbers and words. 

Anyway, one thing I will dearly miss about Cleveland is being able to go to a major league baseball game. It has been a lot of fun and I've enjoyed it very much. I'm not a huge baseball fan but when you sit next to Boyd during a game, it's a lot of fun. He can tell you all sorts of things you didn't know. Maybe it's just a boy thing. We love going on dollar dog night, especially now that I found the secret relish dispenser. Ha, seriously. Boyd used to just get the hotty dogs and bring them back with regular ketchup and stadium mustard. He didn't tell me that you could get relish too. (I love pickles) Now dollar dog night is much more enjoyable. Yes, we are gross and totally eat like 4 hot dogs each. 

 I always ask Boyd why my head looks so huge.
 He said it's because I'm the one closer to the camera like this. . .

What do you do when you get bored at a baseball game? you take pictures of course. 
Plus we were kinda upset about our crappy seats. The kid at the team shop told us our seats were on the isle. What he didn't realize was that he meant to tell us the end of the row, not near a walkable isle. Lame. Plus we were a lot further away from where we usually sit. Oh well.

Our Indians were loosing and we got really really bored. 
This is Boyd's uhh, I'm ready to go home face. 

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