Friday, July 6, 2012


We moved at the beginning of June. 
Goodbye 1 bedroom apartment!
Hello 2 bedroom apartment
(with a washer and dryer!)


This is the reason why we moved. 
To be neighbors with our good friends the Nelsons. 

The day we moved we found this on our front door.

June was so much fun. 
We loved having such awesome neighbors. 
We loved hearing their kiddos walk by and tap on our door. Boyd especially loved knocking back and watching their confused faces as they heard the return knock, or opening it up just to say hi.
My favorite part was hearing "BOY, BOY, SONS!" as they walked in the hall. Hearing your name being called is the best! 


Through a series of very unfortunate events, the Nelsons had to move to Texas by July 1st. 

I'm totally going to miss having our girly chats, Sunday dinners together, game nights, sharing recipes, learning so much from this awesome mama (like how to potty train your boy or having the motivation to be organized), borrowing their shower when we didn't have hot water, seeing their car when I pull up to the parking lot (yes, I'm a total stalker), knowing that when Boyd wasn't home that they were just down the hall, learning about things like insta-dri nail polish, or hair products I should have been using ages ago, and a bazillion other things.
like having twinner toes. . . 

We sadly returned most of the boxes we had borrowed to use for our move. 
 I'm going to miss doing random things like this. . . .
 Boyd said he was extra nice and didn't lean them on their front door so when they opened it the boxes didn't fall onto them. :) 
My favorite part was that they didn't hear Boyd as he was stacking the boxes up.

Wanna come be our neighbor? 

1 comment:

  1. Yes...I want to be your neighbor! Thanks for being such great neighbors and friends. We totally miss living by your guys. Thanks for all the fun memories! More to come!
