Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 278: Spending Time With Boyd's Family

I love that Grandma Miller is visiting Ohio. She is absolutely hilarious and I love talking to her and listening to her stories. Tonight we sat around the dinner table after dinner eating our Halloween Oreos and milk. She told all of us that she used to just lick the cream out of the middle. Boyd jokingly said "lets race" and she just giggled. I felt like I was in an Oreo commercial. It was totally one of those heartwarming moments that I just had to write down.  Grandma told us when she was pregnant with Boyd's Aunt Dara she ate Oreos and milk every day. She added "now I don't like them as much." I didn't even think they had oreos back then (50 or so years ago).

She later told us about this one vacation she and Grandpa Miller went on. They took a week long trip to Reno, Nevada. She told us that they brought a puzzle and worked on it every night. "Some people like going to shows, but we would do our puzzle at night and the only time we ever went out of our room was to go and get McDonalds" I thought that was so cute. She told me it took them a whole week, but they finished their puzzle. 

I love so many things about Grandma Miller, one of them being her laugh. She has THE Cutest laugh in the entire world. It is a high pitched, but very soft, "huh ha"I think it is so cute when she laughs. The other thing I love about Grandma Miller is her love for butter. She always tells us that she would just eat butter. She would just slice off a piece and eat it. I smiled tonight as I watched her butter her bread. She took about 5x as much as a normal person and just smeared it all over with her fork, leaving big lumps of butter all over her bread.

I'm sad I haven't gotten a picture of Grandma Miller yet, but I did take this really cute picture of Heidi today.

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