Just because my last blog was about a disaster, I decided to tell you about an interesting evening we had one Sunday a couple months ago. I bet your freezer isn't full of bags of flour.
We had just come back from eating Sunday dinner at Allison's parents' house. They're always so kind to send us home with some food for the week. While we were putting away some (-side note: Allison just screamed bloody murder. I almost had a heart attack. The cause of the blood curdling scream. . . an earwig in the artichoke. Yuck. Now she won't go anywhere near the counter where the dead bug is.) (Allison says "Bugs are yucky, if we ever have kids that like bugs I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. If they come walking in the house with a bug in their hands, there will probably be another blood curdling scream") food in the pantry, I found a puddle of water on the floor. Our jug of water storage leaked everywhere and got our flour storage all wet. So much for being righteous. We thought our flour was ruined forever to be consumed by nasty weevils. (Notice the word evil in their name. You think Allison freaks out over finding an earwig on a piece of food that she is preparing. Imagine if she were eating when she found the bug.) Then, we did some research and found that if you freeze the flour, it keeps the bugs from hatching and surviving. So I made a near midnight run on a Sunday to Walmart for freezer bags. We then proceeded to prepare our freezer for about 6 bags of flour. What a fun eventful evening.
That's old news :) My mom's been putting flour in the freezer for years. She does it to preserve the enzymes within the wheat after you grind it. (i.e., it's supposedly healthier)
ReplyDeleteTell Allison that earwigs are only bad in Ohio so she's safe.
ReplyDeleteEarwigs are bad no matter where you are. Yuck!