Sunday, January 19, 2014

Why is saying goodbye so hard?

This post makes me sad. 
We had to say goodbye to our good friends this week. 
Now I believe the saying "everything's better in Texas." It's true now that they have Sharyn.
I'm going to sorely miss this lady. She has been there for me through thick and thin. I tell her everything. Now who is going to go on walks with me, or who will get excited with me over silly things like pick your plum, or who will leave notes all over our apartment while we are away?
 Thanks for being my BFF. Life totally isn't the same without you.

 funny story to go along with this pic. (below)
 we were playing a game when we heard the ice cream man!
in the middle of the day, during a school day
so we ran after him like little kids
and we were laughing our heads off
when we were getting the ice cream we tried telling the guy we thought it was funny because we were from Cleveland,  where it was -19 degrees. (he didn't speak English)
Even better, we were wearing sweaters, eating ice cream, in January. - Good times.

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