Monday, October 14, 2013

Cotton-Headed Ninnymuggins

 Texas Snow. 
Is it possible? 
The time we spent there I nearly went stir crazy thinking, longing, missing my Ohio fall. 
One of the attending physicians told Boyd we HAD to go to see a cotton field. It's all white and fluffy. How dreamy does that sound? We jumped on the opportunity.

As we were driving to where the fields were I looked out the window and saw . . . . . . 
an empty field. 

We missed Texas snow by days. They had already harvested! Nooooooooo

So we stopped by Green's Sausage House to eat away our sorrows.
We talked to the waitress, who was absolutely the nicest person ever, then we talked to the cashier who was also the nicest person ever. Did I mention I love how nice people are in Texas? Anyway, we were telling them we were from Cleveland. They would get all wide eyed and ask "What is it like up there" We even had some guy trot (yes, trot) across the store and exclaim "Where Y'all say Y'all from?!?! Wha cha doin' down in these here parts?!?!"  Ahh, I love it! They asked when we would be coming back and if they would see us again. Anywho, we told them we were so disappointed the cotton was gone when the cashier said "So and So family hasn't harvested. You should go check out their field!" I lit up like a Christmas tree!  Then she proceeded to say "Jus go down to the blinky light, turn right, turn on the dirt road at the church and this family's farm should still have cotton. They planted late" She actually said blinky light! I love it! My trotty friend, from earlier, agreed with her and said he just saw some the other day.  How awesome are these people

When we got to the field, beyond the blinky light, they too had harvested. 
BUT there was some leftover and Boyd and I got some sweet shots! 

How many shirts do you think you could have made with the extra on the ground? 

"Did you see that sky today? Talk about BLUE!" -my favorite movie of all time. 
Dang! No filters, no editing. This SKY! 

 Want to go on a fun date? Both of you grab your cameras and take pictures! 

 Until you end up with this! 
Thanks honey, that's real attractive.

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