- Monday we practically spent the whole day at Costco trying to restock our home
- Tuesday we went to the dentist for the first time in 2 1/2 (me) 3 (Boyd) years. I don't have any cavities! I'm such a good girl! Boyd has two, woops!
- Wednesday had Carrie's family and Beth (plus a Heidi) over for lunch, then we went up to Kirtland. Happy 175th birthday to the Kirtland Temple
- Thursday we went to Mom and Dads and played. Then watched BYU lose. But it was still a good day.
- Friday, today, I had a work meeting and then we had the missionaries over.
Whew, what a week.
Tomorrow we are going shopping, yay, and then Boyd and I are babysitting over night.
Will I ever have time to finish these pictures?

Great pics Allison!