The more time I spend with Boyd's family the more I come to realize where he gets his phrases or ideas from. For example we were driving down to Carrie's in Columbus. The roads were horrible and about every 5 miles there was a car on the side of the road. Some were turned around facing the wrong direction, some were upside down, some were smashed in, but they all had one thing in common that Boyd pointed out. They were all SUVs. Boyd made a comment about how people with big cars always thing they can do what ever they want just because they have four-wheel drive. To make a long story short, we lived and made it to Carrie's. When we got there we were telling her about all the cars we saw on the side of the road and then she blurted out "that's because they were SUVs and people with four-wheel drive think they can do anything they want to!" Hum, Boyd and Carrie must be related. This brings me to my picture of the day. THE Bowl.
Boyd and I got this bowl as a wedding present. It was meant to be a popcorn bowl but the first time I mentioned I wasn't feeling well Boyd went running for this particular bowl. He told me it makes a great bowl for being sick because it is big. Anyway, anytime after that Boyd always went running for this bowl anytime I said I didn't feel well. Well, last week for the first time I actually used the bowl! You're probably wondering why I'm talking about this bowl. A few weeks ago while we were at Carrie's someone said that they weren't feeling good and the first thing that popped out of Boyd's Mom's mouth was "GRAB THE BOWL!" Ahhhh, now I know where Boyd gets it from. Thanks Mom Bills for teaching your son to grab the bowl. It has come in handy.

p.s. Bowl is a really weird word if you say it too many times.
I hope your grabing the bowl for a good reason ;)
ReplyDeleteAs the kid with the perpetually queasy stomach, I always had a Cool Whip container next to my bed. Hey, it is great knowing you don't have to run to the toilet in the middle of the night…
ReplyDeleteBoyd says he had a Country Crock in the corner.