There is no doubt in the world that I have the greatest husband EVER.
Today Boyd took me to go see the Canton's Ballet performance of Cinderella. Seriously, my husband is wonderful.

Then on top of that he took me to dinner at Tlaquepaques. Yum! AND let me order His favorite thing, which is also my favorite thing.

AND THEN after dinner we went to Joann's to buy some things for my photography business. I'm doing baby shots and needed some soft white fabric, a black backdrop, and a basket. We probably spent 2 hours there. What a trooper! How many wives can honestly say that their husband goes to Joanns with them and doesn't complain a single time! Boyd even bought me things that I have been needing for a long time like fabric scissors. On top of that he was so ever patient while I tried to pick out my black backdrop. I made him hold up different fabrics in the store while I took pictures of him to see which one will work the best.

To top it off we went to DSW because I had a $10 off coupon. As much as Boyd loves shoes, and even though he needed basketball shoes, he still let me get these really really cute Roxy flip flops. (pictures to come)
I tried being a good wife and let him go to Dicks to look at some sports stuff. Somehow we ended up walking out of the store with a beanie for me! (Uggg, I can never win) Don't worry though, Boyd got a beanie too. (That's a story I'll have to tell tomorrow)
If that weren't enough we finished off our day with Cold Stone ice cream. (Thanks for the gift card Shaun and Nicolette!) Boyd even let me pick out my favorite: Mint, with fudge, brownies, and Oreo cookies.
Elder Hales once gave a talk about becoming a provident provider. In his talk he said "Our wedding anniversary was approaching, and I wanted to buy Mary a fancy coat to show my love and appreciation for our many happy years together. When I asked what she thought of the coat I had in mind, she replied with words that again penetrated my heart and mind. “Where would I wear it?” she asked. (At the time she was a ward Relief Society president helping to minister to needy families.)
Then she taught me an unforgettable lesson. She looked me in the eyes and sweetly asked, “Are you buying this for me or for you?” In other words, she was asking, “Is the purpose of this gift to show your love for me or to show me that you are a good provider or to prove something to the world?” I pondered her question and realized I was thinking less about her and our family and more about me.'"
When ever Boyd goes on a shopping rampage with me and buys me things like fabric scissors, shoes, a beanie, etc. He always makes sure to tell me that he is doing it because he loves me and that he is "not buying it for himself."
I am the luckiest girl in the world with the bestest husband anyone could ever ask for.
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