Being in medical school has opened our eyes to all the things we can contract from other people. One night I was flipping through one of Boyd's Micro Bio books and grossed myself out. I'm glad Boyd is the one in med school and not me.
Went to the doctor today and the first thing the doctor said when he looked into Boyd's throat was "eww". Going to the doctor with Boyd is weird. I'm so used to being the one going to the doctor it was strange the other way around. This is the first time since we have been married that I went with Boyd to the doctor.
Result: Boyd has strep!

This is Boyd's "I'm sick and I'm making sad eyes" face.
He has been making this face for the past 3 days.

Hopefully with some amoxicillin in him, he will get feeling better soon.
P.S. Latest BYU Basketball News: One of our starters admitted to breaking the honor code and got kicked off the team! What timing! BOO! We were so flustered when we heard the news. There goes our chances of having it all this year. BYU lost to New Mexico on Wednesday. That was depressing. However, we played Wyoming tonight and WON 102 to 78! Uhh GOOOOO Cougars! If people want to know yes we are "Jimmered." Boyd said " I've been Jimmered for 4 years now." Go BYU Basketball
Hmmm... I think Boyd's been Jimmered his whole life