I remember driving down to Provo from my parents when I was little, seeing those teeny tiny people up in the sky, thinking "I want to do that someday"
I did it!
Bucket List: Paragliding- Check!
My mom's flight is the first half and mine starts at 1:50
What does it feel like?
Like you are sitting in a floating chair at the mercy of the wind.
It feels like that carnival ride when you are sitting in the swings and going around in a circle, only you don't go in a circle.

Nice helmet mom. :)
So you see the picture of my mom taking off? Her feet aren't touching the ground. Ha, in fact the guy that is attached to her doesn't even have his feet on the ground.
I totally had bruises on my ribs from taking off and lading. You're supposed take 2 steps forward and 1 step back. While I was taking off the guy took the 2 steps forward but he ended up going 5 steps back, pulling my harness and bruising my ribs. Awesome.
So. . . .
I totally got motion sick while I was paragliding. You can tell that I was sick because the guy in the video was trying to talk to me and I'm holding back my dinner in my mouth. I should have just let it all out because that would have been pretty funny, but for decency sake, I held it.
The reason why I got sick was because I was trying to fix this dude's go pro camera. It ran out of batteries and I was looking down while he was circling the launch pad over and over again. Blah.
When I did get a chance to take over the controls, my motion sickness went away immediately. I'm pretty sure I was a much better drive then the "experienced paraglider" I was with.
My lily dog stayed right by my side as I crashed on the couch.
She is such a parrot. She likes to sit on your shoulders and share you pillow.
Would I do it again?
Probably not but it was worth the experience of checking it off my bucket list.
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