Spring Term I decided I am in desperate need of a fun, yet credit packed class. You can't go wrong with floral design. Here is what I have so far!

The first week we did wrap bouquets. This is just a picture of part of the bouquet that Boyd took.

The second week we did cube designs. I really like the way this purple cube picture came out. It looks like it could be in a magazine! Thank goodness for a good camera and photoshop!

This week we did a spring design using floral foam. What an adventure. The tulips didn't like me very much and kept going in all sorts of places. But I really like the way this one turned out! Personally this one is my favorite so far!

This picture is my favorite! At first I thought button mums looked cheap and silly, but I decided to take a picture of one and doctor it up, as usual, and now this is my favorite picture ever!