Boyd feels super special because Gning Gning wants to have dinner before we move to Ohio. The reason why we think this is super special is because the other day Gning Gning told my sister that she can't go to the photo session after the temple because she can't stand for very long taking pictures due to back problems or something like that.

(She was there for our wedding.) She also told her that she didn't have time for her to come over and visit, but she is making time to have dinner in honor of Boyd. I'm glad Gning Gning likes us.
Happy Mother's Day!
Ghing Ghing is so awesome. She had us over for dinner over Memorial day weekend and she taught us how to play Mahjong! It was awesome and she is just the funniest lady ever! She had to get up and walk around the table because all of us were like helpless little children. Poor lady, got sick of walking around the table so she pretty much memorized all of our pieces! I have never seen Ghing Ghing so sassy! Megan put down and piece and she was like "What did you do that for Girl!". She also made other funny comments like "That the way baby!" or "Your too late" or "You too slow!!!" When we were all trying to set up Ghing Ghing told us we needed 18 blocks across and have it stacked two high. Boyd and I were a team and trying to count to 18 when I look over and Ghing Ghing already had hers ready and all straight. She was just staring at us like we were a bunch of slow pokes! haha. I love Ghing Ghing and we had such a wonderful time with her.