Here is an update since my last post.
Boyd and I moved to Brecksville Ohio in August. Megan got married August 14 and we drove our little Civic all the way to Ohio after her reception that night. We were about 1 hour away from Boyd's parents after driving for 32 hours and I saw something on the road. I thought it was a rock and thought I could straddle it but it turns out you can't straddle a giant truck bumper. Lesson learned do not try to drive across the country straight for 30+ hours after a wedding. Anyway, point is, we moved to Ohio. I got a job teaching pre-school gymnastics and dance, Boyd started school, and we have finally settled into our apartment.
As a new years resolution, I decided to be better at blogging. My recently married sister in-law suggested I post a picture a day. Honestly, I was skeptical about it but if I really put my mind to it, I think I can do it! I'll be posting any picture, one that may show an event from the day, an artsy picture of a random item I saw that day, an old picture that I photoshopped. The goal is to post a picture a day. Here is my first picture for 2011!

The reason why I posted this is because I'm in Utah with my little puppy Lily! I was going to post a different picture today however as I was clearing off my memory card I lost some precious pictures from today. My Ging Ging spent the night, which is a big deal. She never spends the night. Then we went to see Tangled today! It was so cute! I love that movie! Ging Ging said that the last time she went to the movies she saw Joy Luck Club. That movie came out in 1993! I'm glad she was able to come to a movie with us! Then we went to Cafe Rio and I finally fulfilled my craving for a pork burrito! I'm sad Ohio doesn't have a Cafe Rio. It was a great day! I love my Ging Ging very much! I'm sad I deleted the pictures from today, but I decided to take this one because I love my Lily very much!
Hopefully I will be able to keep up with this goal. Maybe if I post this telling my self to do this on a daily basis I'll feel obligated to be better at posting. I have so many stories from work, Christmas break, my trip to Utah, etc. Hopefully this year I will keep at least one of my goals and fulfill my picture a day blog goal!