What makes a good Wifey? Well, according to all the men at Boyd's school, a good wifey cooks dinner for her husband. Apparently every time people at Boyd's school find out he is married the first question they always ask him is "So, does your wife cook dinner for you?" Psh, who do they think I am! Well, today, I was a good wifey and surprised Boyd with homemade bagels. What else am I supposed to do on a cold, snowy day?
The recipe I used came from my sister in-law Carrie. Thanks Carrie!
*4 Tsp Yeast
*1 1/2 C Warm Water
*4 1/2 ish C Flour
*3 T Sugar
1 T Salt

Soak yeast, water, sugar and salt for 2 min till foamy

Add flour and kneed for 5-10 Minutes

I absolutely love my Kitchen Aid. It was a battle when we first got married between getting a Kitchen Aid or a Bosch Mixer. Needless to say, I won and we have a Kitchen Aid. I wouldn't know what to do without it.

The dough should look something like this.

Then divide the dough into 6-8 pieces and shape into a round ball. Poke a hole in the middle to make it into a bagel looking thing. Place on a greased cookie sheet.

The dough was kinda pasty looking and it reminded me of the way my skin looks right now, since I haven't seen the sun in quite some time. Then I thought of Boyd's old roommate who would grab his belly and hold it in a circle and call it his "hairy bagel" eeeewwwww.
Let it rise for 15 minutes. Meanwhile boil water in a pot. Personally, I like to add a tiny bit of oil and salt to my water.

Every time I see water boiling I think of when I was a little kid. My mom would ask me to watch the water and let her know when the water started to boil. I always thought that the bubbles looked like little eyeballs staring up at me.
Drop the bagels into the boiling water and remove immediately. (One time Boyd and I made bagels and it said to boil them for 7 minutes. They were so dense! I prefer the remove immediately method)
Bake at 475 degrees for 10-15 minutes or golden brown

Maybe I should clean my oven window before I start taking pictures of it. Sorry.
Again, this reminds me of being a little kid and watching things bake in the oven. I loved looking through the glass to see if it was done.

Let cool on a wire rack so they don't get soggy on the bottom. Enjoy! Thanks again Carrie, they are super yummy!

This is beautiful! Great shots, excellent storytelling. You may have given me a writing project idea...
ReplyDeleteShaun and I were just talking about making homemade bagels! We will definitely have to try this recipe! looks yummy!!!!
ReplyDeleteAllison I love your commentary in between the instructions for how to make the bagels. Thanks for sharing this recipe--I am totally going to try it out! I hope Ohio is treating you well--it was so great seeing you a couple weeks ago!! -Courtney Hardy
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to try this recipe. I'm happy you're posting more!
ReplyDeleteAllison, I made these bagels last night and they are glorious!!! Yay! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! I now am so excited to try to make all different kinds of bagels. I may never purchase bagels from the grocery store again :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you are doing grandly! -Courtney
Thanks for the comments! I'm so glad people liked this one.
ReplyDeleteCourtney: I'm so happy you tried it! Are they not just the bestest bagels! I tried cinnamon sugar on some of them and that is pretty good but my most recent find is sprinkling onion powder on them before I bake them. If you like onion bagels you'll have to try it! And I totally feel the same way, who wants to go to the grocery store when you can have homemade ones!
They are indeed the bestest bagels! I plan on making them again really soon--and I will definitely try the cinnamon/sugar and onion powder ideas! Yay! I am excited! Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteThese are DELICIOUS! We just made them today and I will definitely be making them again. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm glad you made them Janie! You're welcome!