I was thinking about it and next year, we might not be celebrating the 24th of July! How insane is that! I keep forgetting that Pioneer day is only a Utah thing. One adjustment added to the list of many adjustments I will be making in the next little bit.
It was great, we all played Mahjong! Amber, Victoria's roommate, kicked all of our butts! She is insanely good at Mahjong and she is not even Asian. I love playing with Gning Gning because somehow all of us get a chance to win, wink wink.

Gning Gning knows I need a little extra help.

My favorite part about tonight was Gning Gning was trying to explain how people bet using Mahjong, the game. She then proceeded to tell me a funny story about when I was a little kid. "When you were little Yea Yea needed to pull your tooth because it was loose, you said 'no' he said I'll give you a dollar 'NO' ok, two dollars 'ok'" In her cute Gning Gning voice I love the way she says No and just drags it out. I love my Gning Gning so much! The funny thing is I can Still remember this story and not letting Yea Yea pull out my lose tooth unless I got $2 not just $1.
Gning Gning and I are waiting for the fireworks to start.

Happy Pioneer Day!

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