For a while there Boyd and I have been trying to start our family. After a few months of no luck we decided to get some regular check ups to make sure everything was going ok. I also noticed that I have been having severe cramps the past 8 months or so. So we started going to the doctor and asking questions. One thing that started coming up was the possibility of endometriosis. This thought kept sticking in the back of our heads so we decided to do more digging. After being poked and prodded and poked some more, we finally talked to the doctors about endometriosis. Dr. Willmore at the BYU health center said he is almost positive that is what I have. He told us about a few options and one of them was getting a laparoscopy. What a laparoscopy is are small incisions made near the belly button and one near my pelvic bone. Seemed simple enough, they go in, and if they find something they will cauterize everything that they find. (side note: I just googled endometriosis surgery and grossed myself out!) So Wednesday morning at 5 a.m. I went in for surgery. I am very thankful for my wonderful mom who took the day off to take me in. While they were prepping me, it just just my luck and the nurse that was doing my I.V. she told me she always makes people bleed. (By the way, the first time I got my blood drawn was by a nurse who was drawing blood for the first time). Anyway, I got all set up and then they wheeled me in to surgery. I had been so worried about a catheter being put in me I asked the nurse wheeling me in if I was going to get one. I was dreading her next words, but she just laughed at me and said only if I wanted one! Whew! What a relief. The only thing I remember was looking at the anesthesiologist put something in my I.V. Then I was out. I don't even remember closing my eyes. Then I remember waking up in the recovery area. I remember trying so hard to pull of the finger heart monitor. I tried and tried so hard but it wouldn't come off. It was super cold and I kept shivering and could not stop. I also remember trying to lift my head and wondering where my goofy hair net had gone, I had it when I went into surgery but now it was gone. Then I fell back asleep. Woke up cold again and my mom was there. The nurse kept asking me if I was ok and kept injecting me with pain killers like morphine and other stuff I can't remember. When she gave me too much all I remember is feeling nauseous. I honestly don't know why people do drugs. Anyway, had to go to the bathroom so my mom and the nurse took me. I was wearing really weird underwear! I also felt like a 2 year old because my mom had to help me. Good thing she loves me. Anyway, enough of that stuff.
What they did find: When I came out of surgery, Dr. Glenn told my mom that they did find endyometriosis and it was a lot more than he was expecting. Luckily they were able to get rid of all of it but had to make a third incision to do so. I'm just glad I'm not some crazy person having cramps all the time and that there was an actual reason why I was having cramps.
To make a long story short I made it home and fell asleep. Then Megan did my hair and we went off to her bridal shower. Got sick there, fell asleep in the bathtub and went home and slept. Been sleeping since then and feeling sore.
To sum it all up, I hope that we will be able to have kids soon. The doctors say that we have about 6 months before it comes back. One day, when our kids are naughty, I'm going to show them this blog and the picture from my surgery so they know what I went through to have them. haha.
These are my tiny stitches.

I'm so sorry! Boyd was chatting a little bit about it on the drive across the country. I had a co-worker who has it and she has been able to have 2 kids so far after doing that same procedure. If you have any questions I'm sure she could help you...just let me know if you want her number. hang in there!!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for you to join Boyd out here so we can play. I actually really like Ohio so far. The people are so so nice!
Good luck! You're in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteI just have to say that I know how diffictult this kind of thing is. Our situation is a little different but we have been trying for over a year and half now with no luck :(. Been seeing lots of doctors, but haven't been able to solve the problem yet. I know that you'll be able to have kidletts soon ;) *baby dust*
ReplyDeleteOh AND... my husband served his mission in Cleveland, Ohio... we are applying to a couple law schools out there (Ohio State, and Case Western) Maybe we'll see you out there!