After Boyd's first fish we all had hope that we were going to catch something. We thought wrong. We fished and fished and fished and after 2 1/2 hours and nothing. Megan and I got bored and the pond cleared out because of some drawing going on, so we moved to the middle of the pond. After we moved I hooked two little fishies, but they kept getting away. But they were sure biting and jumping in that area so I ran back to tell Boyd and Nathan to come over with us.

(It literally took him about 2 casts and he caught one!)
Nathan and I were just as lucky! We were catching fish every 3-5 minutes! Here are pictures of a few of the fish we caught in our luck spot!

Boyd caught a whopper! He was so proud, as he should be because he was catching the most fish out of all of us and they just happen to be the biggest ones!
Poor Megan still hadn't caught anything ALL DAY LONG! She did not want a repeat of last year. She was the only one who didn't catch anything last year and she was determined not to have this happen again. But after 4 hours of hot blazing sun, casting and reeling again and again, and still nothing Megan was starting to lose hope. We all felt bad and offered to let her reel in ours as we caught them, but she was determined to hook one all by her widdle self. After Nathan's 20 minute reeling lesson, switching poles with every single person, she still hadn't caught anything. Finally Boyd told her to cast to her left. She tried and failed because she couldn't aim to her left. She tried over and over and as soon as her spinner hit the spot where Boyd had been telling her to cast to she got a bite! "Luckily the thing made it to shore. With her luck I was sure it wasn't going to make it all the way" - Boyd.
Wow. That takes me back to summers at Spring Lakes. Boyd ALWAYS wanted to go and I HATED it. SO BORING!