This has been quite the year. We have traveled to various parts of the US and we are almost to the end of our externships. (Externships are 1 month long rotations at a hospital where we could potentially go for residency. Boyd slaves away for the month and they decide if they like him and if we like them) We would like to thank all the people who have opened their homes to us, who have given us a place to sleep, lots to eat, and best of all their company. We have had quite the travels and people always ask, "now where are you guys this month?" Fortunately, I have had the opportunity to travel with Boyd and it has been a lot of fun for the both of us to have each other.
Our Journey Has Taken Us To:
April: Tampa, FL - Drive time 16 hours
May: Back to Cleveland, OH - 16 hours
June: Salt Lake City, UT - 27 hours
July: Indianapolis, IN - 22 hours
August: Weekend trip to Ann Arbor, MI - 4 hours
Back to Cleveland, OH - 3 hours
September: Temple, TX - 20 hours
October: Back to Cleveland, OH - 20 hours
Not to mention Boyd will be commuting from
Columbus to Cleveland on weekends (2 hours each way)
Total: About 144 hours of driving. That's about 6 full days. Almost a whole week.
To give you an idea of the car time we have put in, we have listened to Harry Potter 1-6.
We will complete #7 on our way back from Texas to Ohio. Not to mention we slept in our car on most of these trips. We are forced to leave Fridays after Boyd gets off clinic and are supposed to arrive on Sunday, which means we don't have time to stop and get a full 8 hours of sleep.
Boyd and I play this game. When we get near the boarder of a state we like to dangerously slow down to take a picture of the state sign. It helps keep us awake (most of our trips I spend sleeping) and gives us something to look forward to. Plus we can check off the states that we have been to.
(Including our Mini Vacation to Washington DC) Pennsylvania, Maryland
Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida
Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah
Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas
23 States in 1 year.
I have a feeling if I tell Boyd we will end up traveling to 2 more states just to say we have been to half the states in one year. Shh, don't tell him.
Boyd you are a driving machine. I think he is sick of driving. At 18 hours of straight driving I asked Boyd how he felt and he pulled this face.

What he looks like. (above)
What I look like. (below)
I wasn't ready for Tennessee, it's a sneaky state!
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