Boyd has been wanting a new phone for a very Very VERY long time now. As you can see the phone on the left, his old phone, is missing the flip cover, looks old and worn, and has a baby screen. But Boyd loved his old phone very much. He loved the size. Every time he would whip out that puppy people would ask "is that your phone?!?" That thing was tiny. Now he has a giant brick. I laughed when he told me that he wanted the HTC because it reminds me of Saved by the Bell when Zack Morris would pull out his brick phone.
This whole phone situation has been quite the experience. Boyd has been looking for months for a new phone and hasn't found one that he liked. He ran into this HTC phone and decided that was the one he wanted. Only we couldn't afford it. It was supposed to be $100+ and I couldn't justify paying that much. Then Boyd found a deal at Radio Shack for $60 (Plus a few fees.) For some reason I was grumpy that day and didn't let Boyd buy it. Thanks to our favorite store, Costco, we got a steal of a deal. It was $30 with no activation fee. I love Costco and Boyd loves his new phone. I like it too because we can play all sorts of games on it and it is just like having an itouch, only we got it for $30. A special thanks to both of our parents who currently pay for our phone bills. What would we do without you?

This whole phone situation has been quite the experience. Boyd has been looking for months for a new phone and hasn't found one that he liked. He ran into this HTC phone and decided that was the one he wanted. Only we couldn't afford it. It was supposed to be $100+ and I couldn't justify paying that much. Then Boyd found a deal at Radio Shack for $60 (Plus a few fees.) For some reason I was grumpy that day and didn't let Boyd buy it. Thanks to our favorite store, Costco, we got a steal of a deal. It was $30 with no activation fee. I love Costco and Boyd loves his new phone. I like it too because we can play all sorts of games on it and it is just like having an itouch, only we got it for $30. A special thanks to both of our parents who currently pay for our phone bills. What would we do without you?

I can't stand how cheap phones are these days. Phone manufacturers must make them so that covers can't be designed to keep their plastic parts protected. I can't get mine to last longer than a year. Good job finding it at Costco for such a great price. Now you have the new job of getting used to the thing.