On Saturday, We started off the day with a hardy breakfast. Caden had already eaten his Peanut Butter Crunch before Jess and I started into our bowls of Lucky Charms. Jess doesn't like to eat Lucky Charms with milk (weirdo), but I don't even think that milk would have stopped this little thief.

He chomped away at his daddy's marshmallows, picking them out one by one with a fury. There was no stopping that kid. Jess was still attempting to finish, but before he could, Caden had eaten every last mallow. He's a sly one. Even when he knew he was caught, it didn't slow him down.

Lunch wasn't any different. Only this time Allison's plate was the victim of Caden's sneaky thievery. He started out cautious and slow, but quickly picked up his pace. The fries didn't stand a chance against this little guy. He scarfed every last one within his reach.
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