I have Finally gotten around to posting these pictures. It sure has taken me long enough! About 2 weeks ago Jessica, Tess, and I went to Rolling Ridge Ranch in Amish country.
It was insane! Just take a look.

I couldn't decide if I liked this picture with or without the text.
Boyd told me to post both.
Boyd told me to post both.
This is Andy. He is was our guide

Have you ever had an Amish guy take your picture?

Right after the above picture was taken the stinky camel decided to taste my arm. I had been teasing him with the feed and he told me not to. Yikes!

On our adventure
We saw things with antlers

We fed some things with antlers

Do I look scared? I'm trying to look happy and not scared.

We fed some things with antlers
Do I look scared? I'm trying to look happy and not scared.

We got our buckets stolen from things with antlers

This little guy has crazy soft antlers
This guy has crazy antlers.

We saw things with giant horns!

We saw some crazy cow things.
Cute huh?
Cute huh?

Tripp got nose to nose with this thing

They look cute till they stick their giant foot long tongue out at you

We saw some Zonkeys! (Zebra/Donkeys)

We saw even more crazy cow things
We saw a water buffalo

Our adventure included some awesome alpacas and llamas.
This guy was hungry so he ran really fast!
This guy was hungry so he ran really fast!

We found out the difference between alpacas and llamas are the tufts of fluff on their heads. Llamas don't have the fluff and alpacas do.

Crazy how the eat right out of your hand. (That's my hand)

This little guy was my FAVORITE! He was so soft and loved when I would bat him on his fluffy little head! I just wanted to squeeze him so hard. "It's so FLUFFY!"

Kassidy loves this fluffy bunny.

We got to hold some cute little duckies!

This picture is proof that I can over come my fear
of duckies pooping on me! Take that little duckies!
of duckies pooping on me! Take that little duckies!

I wonder what they are looking at
This picture is for my sister Megan. She loves goats! This little guy would lean on my leg. As soon as I would take a step it would move over and lean on my leg again. Silly little goat!
Pretty sure the Rhinos were Tess's Fav!

The end.
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