The sushi below is called the super dreamy roll. It really is dreamy. Oh my. This is my absolute favorite. I can't even describe how yummy this thing is! I love watching the lady make it. Especially when she pulls our her gigantic blow torch to make the crispy topping crunchy.

The sushi house we always go to is called Ohashi. We love it there. The people are so nice! To give you an example of just how nice they are our waitress would literally stand 10 feet away and practically watched us take every bite! She was so funny. Boyd purposely took a really slow last bite. As soon as she saw the piece go into his mouth, and that the plate was empty, she came running over to ask if we were done so she could clear the plate away. I honestly don't think I got two sips of water in before she would come and refill my water. It was awesome! My favorite part was when she was waiting for our sushi to be made. She was watching the workers and thought they had finished and I saw her flinch and make a movement towards the sushi counter to get our sushi but since it wasn't done she would step back to her waiting position. The second it touched the counter (I honestly don't even think it did touch the counter) she was there to grab it and bring it to our table. Talk about service.
Looks delicious! Next time Michael and I are up there, you have to take us to your sushi place. I want to try that tall one. Mmmm. We have a favorite down here, too, if you want to try it sometime.