Yes, that is correct, Boyd and I are NERDS! Today we beat Super Mario Brothers Wii for the 3rd time getting five shiny stars! For those who are not acquainted with the game, getting five shiny stars means we finished every single level, found all the secrets, beat the whole game, etc. Go us! It has taken us since September to finish. Sorry the pictures are blurry, you can't do much with a $25 TV that we found on KSL in Utah. One more time, yes, Boyd and I are video game nerds.

Boyd is always Mario and I am always the Yellow Toad.

If you want to know how we passed the game together, this will give you some idea. Keep in mind, Boyd is Mario and I'm the Yellow Toad.
I should have bought you guys that 50" plasma at Walmart on Black Friday. It was there at about 3:00 pm still un-purchased and unloved for $498.