Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 19: Showing Emotion

 Oh Eli, thanks for being a character for me. 
I asked him to make as many faces as he could and this is what I got. Awesomeness 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 18: Sunflare

I have to admit. This is probably one of the best sunflare picture I have ever taken. I just couldn't help myself when I saw Brookie cookie sitting in the sun light at 7:30 a.m. quietly reading a book with her "silky."

Day 17: Long Exposure

ISO: 100   -  50mm  -   f/18  -  2 seconds 

Thanks Eli buddy for helping me out. 
He was such a trooper. 
We locked ourselves in the dark laundry room with a flash light
 and he wiggled and wiggled and swirled and was my big helper. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 15: Whatever I want - Disney Trip

We went to Disney World on Saturday. It was awesome!
Forget editing pictures.
Forget even using my nice camera.
That's right, I ditched my nice camera during this trip and brought my point and shoot. 
It was supposed to be raining all day and I just didn't want to deal.
Want to know something? It was so nice not having to lug around 5 lbs of camera!
Want to know something else? It didn't even rain.
It was 70 degrees and a perfect day!
My family tradition: Taking a picture in front of the grassy Mickey head.
 One of the best things we did was to arrive 1 hour early. Although we had to get up at 5:30 a.m. it was totally worth it.
 Why does my hand look so awkward?
The first ride we rode was space mountain. I have to say I was a bit disappointed. It was kinda boring and I was expecting more. Oh well, we made up for it by walking on to the Buzz ride. I love this ride so much! The best part was we literally walked right on to the ride, no lines.
Then it was off to the new fantasy land.
It was fantastic!
They had a new rides but the best part was "Enchanted Tales with Belle"
Wow. It was awesome!
They give the children parts to play then you put on a show for Belle.
Zoe was Mrs. Potts, Eli was Chip, and Micah was Philippe
Probably the best part of the day.
Amber and I went on splash mountain.
Because it was a rainy day, there wasn't a line.
Again, we walked right on to the ride. Pretty much the best feeling ever.
Second best part: we had our own log. The guy was like "Uh, sit where ever you want to"
Third best part: We totally got stuck at the end. (after the drop thank goodness)
For some reason the ride broke down and we had like 6-7 logs behind us. We totally had giggle fits and we were laughing hysterically.
 Ha ha
They were having a special flower display going on. It was really awesome.
P.S. see those hot dogs? They really smelled like hot dogs. weird
 Boyd and I went on a food quest. We had egg rolls in China and dessert in France. Holy YUM! Boyd had pain au chocolat, which is a pastry with chocolate under the flaky, buttery, soft, pillowy, layer. I had a french chocolate carmel tart. It was fun to see Boyd speaking french. Oh food, I live for food. It's a good thing we were walking all day.
Brooke was my buddy. Is it terrible that I love when she comes running to me and wants me to hold her and I totally will for as long as she wants me to? Spoiled!
 I love that this Cheetos bag is like 1/2 her size and that she would carry it around all by herself.

 The BEST part of Epcot:
They have this Phineas and Ferb game you can play in the different countries. (it used to be Kim Possible) Anyway, the general idea: You have a special cell phone that gives you clues and when you go and find that specific clue, something will happen.
For example, my favorite clue: In the UK, Agent B, (that was our code name- but don't tell anyone) was told by Major Monogram to find the telephone booth.
This is Boyd telling me to get in the phone booth. (uh, Boyd there are already 4 people in there!)
How many people can you fit in a phone booth?
Two kids and three adults apparently.
Anyway, once inside we pressed the button on our phone and out came a golf ball! We then took the ball to the sports shop and inserted it into the "Ball analyzer" ( a golf ball cleaner). Then it showed a movie and we were on to our next clue.  
Soooooo much fun!
Boyd has always wanted to go inside the big ball at Epcot.
Here is proof that we did. This is us standing in line for the ride, which was a weird travel through time thing. But hey, CHECK, now Boyd has been inside the giant ball.
See Boyd's shirt? He always wears a BYU shirt when we travel or go to places like Disney. It was funny because all day people kept coming up to us and were like "go cougars!" or "hey I'm LDS too!" or "I graduated from BYU too." It's awesome.
Fun trip! I love Disney.

Day 14: Photo edit I like

I am a fan or warmer picture. I don't really know why but I tend to warm all of my picture up just a bit. Again, wishing I had photoshop for this edit. Thank goodness Boyd had lightroom on his laptop.

Day 13: Eyes

 Oh how I wish I had photoshop for today's post.
I know this second picture has nothing to do with today's post but I just thought it was funny to go with batman's picture. Funny kid left his mark on the driveway.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 10: Childhood Memory

We had asparagus a few nights ago. 
I used to HATE asparagus. 
I recently (as in a few months ago) started liking it. 
Watching my nieces and nephews cry, whine, and choke down asparagus brings back so many memories of my childhood.
Another childhood memory is being the last one at the dinner table. 
I was always the slowest eater and wasn't allowed to leave the table until my plate was completely clear.
Eating dinner together is like a trip down memory lane for me. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 9: Someone you love

Someone I love? 

I love these pictures. 
This is the game we play
I ask Boyd to be my model 
Then he has fun with it. 

Thanks love!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 8: A bad habit

I hardly ever shave my legs
(or my pits for that matter) 
Is that super embarrassing? 
(double embarrassing?)
I think it is a bad habit or, rather, a lack of a good habit. 
With Cleveland winters my legs are never seen and I'm always wearing long sleeves. 
Before we made it to Florida I think it had been 4+ months since I had used my razor for my legs. 
(My pits, although neglected, get reminders from the hubs. They aren't as bad)
The first day I went to the gym in Florida, wearing shorts I decided it was time to break my bad habit.  
Since we have been here (2 weeks) I've only shaved my legs once . . . 
Ironically, I remember being the first girl in the 4th grade to shave my legs. 

Dang it, the next time someone I know sees me, is this what they are going to think of?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 7: Fruit

Do you like that? Still has the tag on it! ha.
Typical Allison would take the tag off and re-do this pic
but I'm trying to let things go and be more carefree.
Plus it was getting dark and I was running out of time.
I wasn't even tempted to photoshop it out.
Shout out to my little helper.
This girly has a thing for lemons.
She actually helped me pick out what I was going to take a picture of.
For dinner we had salmon and she just grabbed the lemon half and started sucking.
I'm pretty sure she sucked all of the juice out from that lemon. Boyd just sat there and laughed. She didn't even pucker.
Do you like this pretend pucker?
 Since we didn't get one at dinner she probably felt like she had to get one in. So cute!
 Maybe we should peel it first baby.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 6: From a low angle

I really struggled with finding something I could take a picture of from a low angle.
I was staring off into space, looking at the ceiling when *ding* "light bulb!" or should I say ceiling fan. 
One really weird thing about me: I hate ceiling fans. I thought it was a strange, quirky, thing until my friend shared her dislike for ceiling fans as well. There is something so irritating about feeling of a constant breeze on my arm or face that just makes me cringe. I immediately feel irritated and my skin starts to itch all over. To top it off, it dries my eyes out, and spreads dust everywhere, which makes me have a runny nose and sore throat. Even when I'm in the car, I always turn the air vents away from me. Although I hate the feeling of a breeze, I also dislike being sweaty. Being here in Florida has taught me to just embrace the breeze. I may not love celing fans, but it sure beats being a sweaty pig.

Does anyone else hate ceiling fans?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 5: From a high angle

I have this thing. Call it a style, a preference, a habit, whatever. I love taking pictures of kids from a high angle. There is just something about when they turn their sweet faces up at you and have a big grin. I used to do it because it helped them open their eyes and squint less, but taking pictures from a high angle has become a essential part of my bag of tricks.

Life is so much fun when you have adorable things to take pictures of.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 4: Something Green

This pic was not at all what I expected. It turned out way better.
Little Eli was my big helper.
It was a windy day and my something green kept blowing away.
Eli came scootering over and in his Eli way said
"Ear, ret me old the reef for you so it doen bro away"
Translation: Here let me hold the leaf for you so it doesn't blow away.

 Thanks buddy!
Here is what I was going for.
Not as sweet as the first one, but still a pretty cool shot.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 3: Favorite Place

My Favorite Place: The kitchen table
I feel like so many memories are made around the table. Some of my fondest childhood memories took place at the table, as a family. I love eating lunch and dinner with Boyd at our table. To top it all off I love food. Kitchen tables = food.