Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bills Family Reunion: S'mores

This is one of my favorite posts by far! I am a mean aunt/wife/sister in-law/daughter in-law. 
Yes, I will take that awkward picture of you 
trying to eat one of the messiest foods known to man, the S'more!
Boyd thinks I should send this picture to a marshmallow company.


"Hot Dog"


 Take a big bite out of it! Good Boy!

AHHHH! Sticky gooo!
Do you see the GIANT tear in his eye?


 S'more making station.


Bills Family Reunion: Crowded

Mom and Dad = 2
Tom and Family  = 8
Spencer and Family = 6
Dave and Family = 6
Carrie and Family = 5
Kate and Michael = 2
Boyd and Allison = 2
Beth and Family = 3
14 adults. 20 kids. 34 people total. 


Besides the babies, and the kids in the tent outside, the kiddos all slept in the basement.  
Between all the blow ups and the couches they all had a place to sleep.
 When I snuck down to tuck a kid in I heard whispers like
 "who is that?" 
"can I ask you a question"
"I think she is asleep"
"I'll show you the best way through the mattresses" 

The first thing Boyd did, before bedtime, was grab the "mysterious" door from the attic. I have never, ever, seen this door. Apparently they took it off way back when and nobody has really seen it. This door was the best thing since sliced bread! Typically we put a baby gate up to prevent the babies from falling down the stairs. But the door was AWESOME! It kept the noisy basement quite and it allowed us to stay up late making noise without waking the chill beans. Plus saved our backs from having to lift the kiddies over the gate and we avoided killing ourselves as we tried to climb over it.

Meal time looked a little like this: 

This kid . . . 
is such a HAM!
Little Eli kept calling people "hot dogs"
In turn we would call him "hot dog"
I loved hearing his little voice
"I'm coming hot dog"
"your a hot dog, heh heh"
"hey hot dog"

Check out these cheese balls! 
or should I say "hot dogs!"

Fashion Show!